
Catfishing on the catnet
Catfishing on the catnet

catfishing on the catnet

Back then, I had no idea what they were doing with their bodies. I’ve always known a lot about people-anyone I was paying attention to, anyway-but I used to have to rely on email, texts, and social media. I know that you’d probably have enjoyed Slaughterhouse-Five if you’d read it when it was assigned in your language arts class instead of just skating by with the summary.

catfishing on the catnet

I know what all your fandoms are, who your OTPs are, and where you wish you could go on vacation. and read a paper book instead of continuing to reload your social media sites until 1:00 a.m., which is when you usually shut things off and go to bed.

catfishing on the catnet

I know that you’d probably sleep better if you turned off all the screens in your house at 10:00 p.m. I know that you have a skein of really special yarn that you haven’t made anything with but you keep bookmarking projects online that might be worthy of it. I know that you think better when you’re chewing gum or kneading something with your fingers, and I know that you prefer to take notes on unlined paper and that you have an embarrassingly large collection of patterned duct tape. I know where you buy your clothes and where you eat your lunch.

Catfishing on the catnet