We literally see the multiple silent "voices" of the unconscious in the imagery of a specific Tarot layout. Tarot readings make visible the realm of invisible archetypes by virtue of their embodiment in the images of Major and Minor Arcana, thereby addressing the major postulate of Hermetic and Neoplatonic philosophies. Becoming conscious of the unconscious is the task undertaken by all three practices.

The common approach to the dimension of the unconscious unites these three modalities. The best-known work of his later life is Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism, written anonymously.This chapter positions the hermeneutic practice of interpreting the meanings of Tarot images against the background of Carl Jung's analytical psychology and Gilles Deleuze's practical method of transcendental empiricism.

In 1960, he retired to Reading near the River Thames. In 1948, he moved to England, where he became a translator for the BBC and monitored Soviet broadcasts during the Cold War, while continuing his devotion to meditation practice and further writing on his esoteric insights. During World War II, he left the Anthroposophical Society and its internal struggles and converted to Catholicism. In 1925, he joined the Anthroposophical Society, under whose auspices he lectured in Holland and England and wrote on his understanding of the Bible, Anthroposophy, and esoteric Christianity. As a young man, he was strongly influenced by Vladimir Soloviev and had a personal experience of the Sophia at a cathedral in Holland. Tomberg’s mother was killed by looters during the Russian Revolution, after which Valentin and his father fled to Tallinn, Estonia, where Tomberg studied languages and comparative religion at the University of Tartu. As an adolescent, he was drawn to the hermetic Martinism of G.O.Mebes, as well as to Theosophy and the mysticism of Eastern Orthodoxy. 24, 1973) was born into a Lutheran family in St.